What If Nobody Brought Me To JESUS ?

BRINGING PEOPLE TO JESUS is not the work merely of professional evangelists. It is the work of every saved person. Each of us has a particular role to play in accomplishing this work. It may be by personal invitation to know Christ as their Saviour. It may be by faithful prayer. It may be by the financial support of God’s

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FATHERS… WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING YOUR KIDS ? GOOD FATHERS TEACH GOOD THINGS ! It’s true that being a father is a huge (and sometimes heavy) responsibility, but one that can be handled successfully with the Lord’s help. So Dads, sit down and “take a load off” as you review the following helpful hints, based on Scripture, that can help

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……………… BREAKING NEWS STORY ! ………………………. The day is over, you are driving home. You tune in your radio. You hear a little blurb about a little village in India where some villagers have died suddenly, strangely, of a flu that has never been seen before. It’s not influenza, but three of four people are dead, and it’s kind of

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